Who am I?

Hi! I'm Reb and I'm attempting to learn html and css. As you can see, shit ain't going too great rn but hey I literally just started last night at 12am because my sleep schedule is fucked up :)

I've been staying up til 2am for the past couple of nights, which I know is basically nothing to you insomiacs but up until now I've actually been on a pretty good schedule so I'm returning to my dark ages. Oh well, nothing I can do but learn how to make a shitty website :3

erm here's a quick bio

For now I guess I'll show off my interests


Pokémon is a big part of my life and I really don't know the person I would be today if my brother never introduced it to me at the age of like 4. It's really what pushed me into making art and some of my fondest memories are because of Pokémon. I don't really know what else to say about it so here are some basic bullet points ig

Also I know this is all gonna be hard to read but I don't really know how to format well soooo sorry :(

Top 10 Fav Pokémon

  1. Fennekin :))
  2. Swoobat
  3. Deoxys
  4. Solgaleo
  5. Axew
  6. Oshawott
  7. Torchic
  8. Scolipede
  9. Yveltal
  10. Lapres


I feel as though I'm not nearly as vocal about my Kirby obsession as I am with Pokémon, but Kirby is probably my favorite series of all time. I can't really put it into words but Kirby (both the series and the character) mean so much to me and has permenantly infected my brain since I was a wee lad.

My History with Kirby

You wake up, it's Christmas morning of 200... 9? 10? I'm not exactly sure what year it was but I was about 3 or 4 years old.

Top 5 Fav Kirby Characters

  1. Bandana Waddle Dee (my beloved)
  2. Kirby
  3. Magolor
  4. Poppy Bros jr.
  5. Gooey :)
